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Publikacje naukowe o komórkach MIC-1

Wyniki badań komórek MIC-1 opublikowane w recenzowanych czasopismach naukowych.

Search for stem cells in the growing antler stag (Cervus elaphus) Bull. Vet. Inst.   Pulawy 2006 M.Cegielski et all. IF: 0.402

Histological Studies of Growing and Mature Antlers of Red Deer Stags elaphus)
M. Cegielski et all. AHE, 2008, IF : 0.554 
Experimental application of xenogenous antlerogenic cells  in replacement of auricular cartilage in rabbits. M. Cegielski et all. Xenotransplantation, 2008, IF: 2.588
Development of Foreign Body Giant Cells in Response to Implantation of Spongostan® as a Scaffold for Cartilage Tissue Engineering. M. Cegielski et all. IN VIVO, 2008, IF: 1.143
Experimental xenoimplantation of antlerogenic cells into mandibular bone lesions in rabbits: two-year follow-up.  Cegielski et all. IN VIVO, 2010, IF: 0.990
Characteristics of antlerogenic stem cells and their potential application. Cegielski et all.Tissue Engineering. Edited by Daniel Eberli MD PhD ISBN 978-953-307-079-7, 2010
Olga Kalisiak, Marek Cegielski. Komórki macierzyste w leczeniu ścięgien u koni. Życie Weterynaryjne 2013  Vol.no.2;s 112.
M. Cegielski et al. Characteristics of MIC-1 antlerogenic atem cells and their effect on hair growth in rabbits
In Vivo 2013, 27(1):97-106, IF: 1,264
Stem Cells Spin S.A.
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